Guanfu Cats and antique ceramics is a toy design project collaboration between Bluepiper studio and Guanfu museum. The Guanfu Museum is a private museum in China that exhibits antique Chinese ceramics, domestic furniture, jade and other art collections. The founder of the museum, Mr. Ma adopted dozens of homeless cats. They have gradually become the official cat curators in the museum. They are known as the “Guanfu Cats” and have become popular on social media.
The project aims to combine six Guan fu cats with ceramics in different historical periods, to make them fun to play with and educational at the same time. Each design features a cat interacting with an antique piece and a ceramic piece. The cat figures are based on illustrations of six Guanfu cats in one of the children’s books published by the museum. Each cat has distinctive characteristics with the ceramics and antiques match with them. I design the illustrations and the package design and am responsible for the aesthetic and functional quality of the 3D models.

Package design:

Photographs of the final products: